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Iron Guanyin (Iron Goodness of Mercy)
Iron Guanyin (Iron Boddhisatva of Mercy) is originated during 1725-1735 in Anxi County, Fujian Province. It is one of varieties of Oolong tea and represents Oolong tea, one of ten famous teas of China. It is a kind of semi-fermented tea between green tea and black tea and has special “Guanyin fragrance” which is delicate. You can make the tea and happily enjoy the tea and the natural scenery of tea field, cloud and pines swaying in the wind with good friends under the beautiful moon night. The tea still has lingering fragrance like sweet dew after it is made for seven times. In addition to the health care function that common tea has, Iron Guanyin also has the functions of resisting against aging, cancer and arteriosclerosis, preventing diabetes mellitus, losing weight, promoting health, controlling tooth decay, clearing the inner heat, reducing the harm of smoke and sobering.

Guanqiao dried tofu: it has rich flavor, cannot be easily broken, is chewy and will not be crushed in case of falling from a high place. It is also fried and boiled well and will not deform or be broken after being boiled for hundreds of times.

Longmen fried glutinous pudding: it is wrapped by a thick layer of fried ground sesame or fired ground peanut. You can choose to pour honey, white sugar, blown sugar or malt sugar. It is rich in sesame and tastes sweet and soft.

Hutou rice noodle: handwork of rice noodle is a traditional craft.

Hutou steamed taro bun: its raw material is the mixture of rice milk and taro milk. It has unique flavor.

Hou’an dried persimmon: it is characterized by golden color, transparency, brightness, agreeable sweetness, elasticity and chewing strength. It is a good food provided for gust or host himself when they drink tea. At the same time, it has the functions of moistening lung for arresting cough. Moreover, the powder on the surface of a dried persimmon has the special effects of promoting the secretion of saliva, moistening lung and throat, relieving asthma, improving collateral circulation and nourishing face.

Chiling orange cake: it is characterized by softness, sweetness, freshness, elasticity and good smell. “Orange” means good fortune and every success and the orange cake is indispensible for wedding feast and can serve as a good gift.

Xixi barley-sugar: Mr. Su from Xixi Village has been making barley-sugar for more than 34 years since he was 20 years old. He has mature technique and can make 38kg of barley sugar with 50kg of rice.

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