

发布时间: 2019-08-08      浏览:479


  • 2015年福建省十佳酒店網絡公信評選“******度假酒店”

  • Selected as the Best Resort Hotel in the online poll of the Top 10 hotels in Fujian Province in 2015

  • 2016年04月20日加盟全球奢華精品酒店「Small Luxury Hotels of the World」品牌

  • Joined the brand of “Small Luxury Hotels of the World™ “on April 20, 2016

  • 2016年“中國******設計酒店大獎”中“******推陳出新獎” 

  • Won the Most Creative Award out of the Best Design Hotel Award in China in 2016

  • 2016年12月23日,“酒店尚榜”首屆年度******度假酒店評選“2016年度中國******別墅度假酒店”

  • Selected as the Best Villa Resort in China 2016 in the first annual resort hotel selection of Hotel List

  • 2016年全球精品酒店“最美庭院”

  • Awarded The Most Beautiful Courtyard of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World in 2016

  • 2017年《鳳凰生活》雜志“2016年-2017年******旅游度假酒店”

  • Got the "2016-2017 Best Tourism Resort" of the Phoenix Life Magazine in 2017

  • 2017年第一屆Hotel探索之旅“2017年度******奢華精品酒店”

  • Obtained the "the Best Luxury Hotel of the Year 2017" in the First Hotel Discovery Tour 

  • 2017年度第七屆出色Trends風格酒店評選“2017年度******奢華酒店獎”

  • Won the award of "the Best Luxury Hotel of the Year 2017" in the 7th Excellent Trends Style Hotel Selection

  • 2017年福建旅游業傾心大獎“******奢華酒店”

  • Gained the “Best Luxury Hotel” of Fujian Tourism Awards in 2017

  • 2018年第二屆Hotel探索之旅“中國******養生度假酒店”

  • Awarded the “China's Best Health Resort Hotel” in the 2nd Hotel Discovery Tour of 2018 

  • 攜程旅行網“2018年年度******度假酒店”

  • Ctrip “Best Resort Hotel of the Year 2018”

  • 《環球世界》雜志CPT Approved年度獎項評選大中華地區年度度假酒店

  • Global World Magazine CPT Approved Annual Award “ China Annual Resort Hotel”

  • 悅泉行館——禪茶文化溫泉度假酒店。

  • Elite Spring Villas-----Zen and Tea Culture Hot Spring Resort.

  • 坐落于世界名茶(烏龍茶)的故鄉——安溪。置身隱匿于山水環抱之間,背倚翠竹一片,幽聆潺潺溪聲,閩厝建筑與白墻灰瓦結合,獨特的“五感”設計,處處滲透著平淡質樸的禪茶韻味。

  • Located in Anxi, the hometown of the world famous tea (Oolong tea). Hidden between the mountains and rivers, surrounded by bamboos, secluded with the sound of the creek, combined the traditional local buildings with the white wall and gray tile and the unique "Five Senses" design. All of this permeates the plain and simple Zen and tea charm.

  • 行館共有17棟別墅,木門鑲刻著“雲門、扶、涵舍”。每一棟私人院落設計禪風詩意,強調貼近自然,以傳統文化及茶文化等釋義自然禪,一扇門、一泓溫泉、一盞香茶、一方靜謐。

  • There are 17 villas in the hotel, and the wooden doors are engraved with “Cloud Gate, Floating Cloud and Palace Wind”. Each private courtyard is designed with Zen poetry, emphasizes close to nature, and interprets natural Zen with traditional culture and tea culture. One door, one hot spring, one fragrant tea, and one quiet.
